Why are bank holidays being deducted from my annual leave entitlement?
Your annual leave entitlement on iTrent includes your entitlement to public holidays (pro-rata if you are part time). Public holidays are automatically dedu...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 10:39 AM
I have input annual leave however the hours have not deducted correctly from my entitlement.
The hours deducted depends on the working pattern iTrent holds for you.   Details of your working pattern are held within the calendar on the Absence tab. ...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 10:46 AM
I am unable to see or request annual leave.
If you are a member of service staff and have been issued with an annual leave card, please contact HR for further guidance.
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 10:44 AM
The annual leave summary screen shows a lower entitlement for 2018 than this year. Why is this the case?
The 8 public holidays are included in your annual leave entitlement.   The public holiday dates for next year have not been agreed as yet and therefore are...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 10:43 AM
Why are my carry forward days not included in my annual leave entitlement?
This annual leave should have been used no later than the end of April 2017. To support the system implementation, a decision has been taken not to enter an...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 10:41 AM
How do I login to ESS
You can access ESS directly by going to https://ess.ayrshire.ac.uk/  or from the college intranet choose Staff Resources  and then "ITrent Employee Sel...
Thu, 7 Sep, 2017 at 8:53 AM
My password isn't working - what can I do?
Your iTrent ESS username and password is the same as your college username and password, however iTrent doesn't accept the £ symbol so if you have this ...
Thu, 7 Sep, 2017 at 9:09 AM
How do I put in a holiday request
From your ESS Dashboard Click on Absence: Then click on "Add holiday": Finally from "Absence Type" choose "Personal ...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 7:14 AM
How do I download my payslip?
From the ESS Front page click on "Pay & Benefits": Then choose the payslip you want to view/download: When you click on it a PDF copy...
Fri, 8 Sep, 2017 at 7:19 AM